Entries by Joe Demski

Farm Data Procedures

BEA BENCHMARK AND CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE The BEA Benchmark I-O tables provide us with Output, Employee Compensation (EC), and Gross Operating Surplus (GOS) by IMPLAN Sector. They also provide us with production functions for each IMPLAN Sector. The data is available for all 14 farm Sectors. However, the data does not separate GOS into its […]

Special Sectors for Employment Data

There are several sectors that are not covered by the CEW data that require different data points and additional techniques to capture. These special Sectors include the following: Farm sectors Construction sectors Government sectors   FARM SECTORS Output The primary data sources for state-level agricultural output by sector are the NASS Value of Production and […]

IMPLAN Data Release Notes

Release notes from IMPLAN’s historical data releases. Data years 2009 & 2011 did not have noteworthy changes. Time Series Time Series Release Notes IMPLAN’s new Time Series Data product was produced using our latest methodologies, which have been honed over the past 20 years of data development. A few special tactics were required for some […]

Balancing the Accounts

After the data are collected and compiled, it is necessary to balance the SAM table. Balancing is accomplished by making adjustments in the foriegn trade and capital accounts. This is done by the software during the model building process. Balancing of households can serve as an example. Households receive income from industries and institutions. With […]

Choosing Your Data

IMPLAN offers a wide variety of data options to meet every user’s local study area needs. Below is a description of the type of data files we offer, so you can easily select which is best to custom design your study. We also include a quick reference table so you can easily visualize whats available […]

Inventory, Capital, Foreign Exports and Imports

INVENTORY For the Manufacturing Sectors, the Annual Survey of Manufactures provides the inventory data. Other sectors’ inventory data are derived from BEA Benchmark I-O ratios.  All sectors are controlled to the BEA NIPA accounts for the current data year. National values are distributed to states and counties on the basis of total industry output. CAPITAL […]

Estimating Non-Disclosures When Creating Employment Databases

There are three primary datasets containing non-disclosed elements that are used to estimate IMPLAN employment and labor income data: The BLS’ Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages (QCEW), the BEA’s Regional Economic Accounts (REA), and the Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns (CBP). Therefore, in order to complete the IMPLAN database, the non-disclosed values must be estimated and […]