Entries by Joe Demski

Sectoring Schemes

Sectoring schemes provide a means of classifying and aggregating Industry and Commodity data. Each database source can have its own unique format or scheme for presenting Industry data (e.g. IMPLAN scheme or the REIS scheme). An Industrial classification scheme allows categorization according to the type of products or services produced by the Industry or Industries. […]

Comparison of IMPLAN Source Data for Employment and Labor Income

OVERVIEW We often receive questions about our source data for Employment and Labor Income. These questions typically arise when comparisons are made between IMPLAN Employment estimates and public employment data provided by government agencies. This document describes important differences among the datasets and provides some illustrative comparisons. The most important three datasets IMPLAN relies on […]

Household Expenditures

The U.S. control totals for the Household Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) come from the BEA’s National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) for the current year.  Beginning with the 2017 IMPLAN data, we now also incorporate state-level PCE data from the BEA (which are lagged one year but controlled to the current NIPA totals).  There are […]

Regional Purchase Coefficients

IMPLAN is a non-survey I-O model derived from a national model structural matrix. The national model represents the “average” condition for a particular Industry. Consequently, without adjustments for regional differences, the national production functions do not necessarily represent industries comprising a local or regional economy. Stevens and Trainor (1980) note that estimating regional trade flows […]

Margins & Deflators

INTRODUCTION: Both Margins and Deflators are included in the IMPLAN database. Margins allow for consumer expenditures to be traced though retail, wholesale, and transportation Industries back to the industries who manufactured the product, allowing the appropriate allocation to the producing Industries. Built-in Deflators allow for adjustments of the Dollar Year you enter on the Impacts screen and the Dollar […]

IMPLAN Databases

Databases are available for the U.S., all 51 states (includes Washington, D.C.), 5 US Island area territories, and all 3,000+ counties in the United States. 30,000+ zip code level files are available. We also have a number of international data sets. You can view information on data selection on our website. All IMPLAN datasets come in .ODF […]

Special Sector Definitions

Certain IMPLAN Sectors require additional explanation, either because they are not NAICS based or they have special properties. Below are the special Sector descriptions (sector numbers are based on the 536 sector scheme for 2013 and later IMPLAN data sets)1. SECTORS 52-64: CONSTRUCTION IMPLAN construction Sectors are classified by structure type (Census definitions) rather than […]

Data Sets Used to Create IMPLAN Employment Data

IMPLAN employment includes both wage and salary employees and self-employed persons in a region. Full-time, part-time and seasonal workers are measured to create an estimate of annual average jobs. BLS Covered Employment and Wages (CEW) data, BEA Regional Economic Accounts (REA) data, and County Business Patterns (CBP) data are used in conjunction to create IMPLAN […]