Entries by Joe Demski

Government Expenditures

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEFENSE AND NON-DEFENSE Federal Government expenditure, sales, and investment data come from the latest BEA benchmark I-O tables, adjusted to NIPA control totals for the current year.  National-level values are distributed to states and counties based on employment and employee compensation in Federal Defense and Non-Defense at the state and county level. The […]

Database Validation

Validating the database is an important final step in the data development process. VALIDATION PROCESS Once the national model is complete and balanced, it is checked thoroughly for errors. Models are built and multipliers generated. All values are distributed to the states and counties based on the procedures outlined here. Once the data have been distributed […]

Introducing the SAM

Regional Social Accounting Matrices, or SAM, represent an IMPLAN extension for regional Input-Output modeling. The SAM provides information on non-market financial flows. IMPLAN inter-industry models provide information on market transactions between firms and consumers, and they capture payments of taxes by individuals and businesses, transfers of government funds to people and businesses, and transfer of […]

IMPLAN Sectoring & NAICS Correspondences

INTRODUCTION: Sectors are a way of describing your Industry. All versions of the Sectoring schemes, except the 528 Sectoring scheme, are based on NAICS codes but represent differing levels of NAICS code rollups. Generally speaking, manufacturing Sectors are 4-5 digit NAICS; whereas, agriculture and services are 3-4 digit NAICS. Choosing the correct Sector is vital […]

The Shannon-Weaver Index of Economic Diversity: An Overview and Descriptive Analysis

DESCRIPTION OF THE SHANNON-WEAVER INDEX In order for an economy to withstand supply and demand shocks, it must either maintain its competitive advantage or have enough variety of industries to reemploy displaced workers (Malizia and Ke, 1993). While economic specialization takes advantage of economies of scale (Skyes, 1950) and competitive advantage (Diamond and Simon, 1990), […]

IMPLAN Data Sources

INTRODUCTION: Each year a variety of data sources are compiled to create the IMPLAN datasets. Most of IMPLAN’s Industries are based on definitions put forth by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). For those industries, IMPLAN provides a crosswalk between NAICS codes and IMPLAN Industries.  Among our main data sources are the following:     […]

Aspects of Institutional Demand

Institutional demand for goods and services is final demand – that is, it represents demand from outside the region (exports), demand by households and governments for local final consumption (as opposed to use as an input into the production of another product), investment purchases, and/or net additions to inventory. Institutional demand is estimated nationally and then […]

IMPLAN Supply/Demand Pooling and Econometric RPCs

Due to its internal consistency and ability to account for spatial variables like the proximity and size of alternative markets, the Trade Flow method is presumed to be superior to the Econometric method for estimating Regional Purchasing Coefficients (RPCs). For this reason, it is the default and recommended method of trade flow estimation for all […]

National Structural Matrix

Each annual release of IMPLAN’s regional data has a unique national structural matrix file.  NATIONAL I-O STRUCTURAL MODEL The structural matrices are the basis of the Inter-Industry flows (the flow of dollars between Industries). There are two structural matrices: the Use Matrix and the Make Matrix. The Make Matrix shows the production of Commodities made by […]