Entries by Joe Demski

Foreign Imports

A component of final uses that measures goods and services that are produced by the foreign sector and are purchased as intermediate inputs or for final use in the United States. The definition of imports in the U.S. international transactions accounts differs slightly from that in the NIPAs and I-O accounts, primarily in the treatment […]

Firm value

The valuation in the I-O transaction record that is considered the most statistically reliable—that is, the value most closely based on hard data, such as the Economic Census, and least dependent on adjustments and judgmental estimation. The firm value may be the basic value, the purchasers’ value through wholesale, or the total purchasers’ value. (BEA) […]

Final uses

The consumption of the goods and services that are produced and distributed in the economy. In the I-O accounts, final-use transactions consist of the transactions that make up the final-expenditure components of GDP: Personal consumption expenditures; private fixed investment; change in private inventories; exports of goods and services; imports of goods and services; and Federal, […]


A component of final uses that measures goods and services that are produced in the United States and sold to the foreign sector. They are valued at f.a.s. (free alongside ship), which is equivalent to purchasers’ value at the U.S. port of export. The definition of exports in the U.S. international transactions accounts differs slightly […]