Expenditures are the values of the amounts that buyers pay, or agree to pay, to sellers in exchange for goods or services that sellers provide to them or to other institutional units designated by the buyers. (SNA)
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But we are proud to say that Joe Demski contributed 347 entries already.
Expenditures are the values of the amounts that buyers pay, or agree to pay, to sellers in exchange for goods or services that sellers provide to them or to other institutional units designated by the buyers. (SNA)
Taxes that are levied by the Federal Government on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of specific items, usually on a per-unit basis rather than a percentage basis. For example, cigarettes are taxed by the pack or carton, alcoholic beverages are taxed by the bottle, and gasoline is taxed by the gallon. Excise taxes are a […]
Excise duties consist of special taxes levied on specific kinds of goods, typically alcoholic beverages, tobacco and fuels; they may be imposed at any stage of production or distribution and are usually assessed by reference to the weight or strength or quantity of the product. (SNA)
The year that the direct impact occurs. If this year differs from the year of your IMPLAN model data, IMPLAN will adjust your dollar values accordingly via its built-in deflators. Model Year reflects the year of the IMPLAN data.
A subset of an Activity, an Event shows the change in production of an industry or commodity, as a dollar value change in final demand.
An economic unit—business or industrial—at a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. Examples include a factory, mill, store, hotel, movie theater, mine, farm, ranch, bank, railroad depot, airline terminal, sales office, warehouse, or central administrative office. One or more establishments make up an enterprise or a […]
A business or membership organization consisting of one or more establishments under common, direct or indirect, ownership or control. An enterprise may vary in composition, ranging from a single establishment company (for example, corporation, partnership, etc.) to a complex family of parent and subsidiary companies (or firms) under common ownership or control. (BEA) An enterprise […]
I-O multipliers used to estimate the total number of jobs (both full-time and part-time) throughout the economy that are needed, directly and indirectly, to deliver $1 million of final demand for a specific commodity. (BEA)
Additional I-O tables that expand the use table by breaking down the compensation component of value added. For each industry, employee compensation is separated into wages and salaries and supplements to wages and salaries. The tables also provide data on employment. The last employment table was published for the 1977 I-O accounts. (BEA)
Employment in IMPLAN includes full-time, part-time, and seasonal workers and therefore does not represent full-time-equivalents (FTEs). IMPLAN jobs can be converted to FTEs and vice-versa using the file 536 FTE & Employee Compensation Conversion Table (2017). IMPLAN employment includes wage and salary employees as well as proprietors (self-employed individuals and unincorporated business owners). IMPLAN’s definition of […]
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