Entries by Joe Demski

General sales taxes

General sales taxes consist of all general taxes levied at one stage only (e.g. manufacturing or wholesale or retail) plus multi-stage cumulative taxes (also known as cascade taxes) where tax is levied each time a transaction takes place without any deduction for tax paid on inputs. (SNA)

GDP by industry

(Previously gross product originating by industry). GDP by industry is the contribution of each private industry and of government to the nation’s output, or GDP. An industry\’s GDP, or its \”value added,\” is equal to its gross output (which consists of sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its […]

Wholesale margin

Measures output in the wholesale industry as the addition to the price of a product when the product is sold through wholesale trade. Wholesale margin includes sales and excise taxes collected by the wholesaler. Wholesale margin is calculated when the wholesaler buys and then resells the product. It is calculated as sales less the cost […]

Value Added

Value Added is the sum of Employee Compensation, Proprietor Income, Other Property Income, and Taxes on Production and Imports less Subsidies (TOPI).  Value-Added + Intermediate Expenditures = Output.  Value Added is analogous to GDP. Value Added is the difference between an industry’s or an establishment’s total output and the cost of its intermediate inputs. It […]

Use table

Matrix that shows the consumption of commodities by each industry or final user. The entries in a row represent the dollar value of the commodity consumed by each industry or final user. The total output of each commodity is the sum of all intermediate uses of the commodity by industries and all sales to final […]