Entries by Joe Demski

Transfers within general government

Current transfers within general government consist of current transfers between different government units or different sub-sectors of general government; they include current transfers between different levels of government, such as frequently occur between central and state or local government units, and between government units and social security funds. (SNA)    

Total requirements tables

Three I-O tables showing the output required to meet a given level of final use. The three tables are the commodity-by-commodity total requirements table, the industry-by-commodity total requirements table, and the industry-by-industry total requirements table. All three tables are calculated from the supplementary make and use tables. (See also “Output multipliers”) (BEA)    

Total requirements coefficients

I-O coefficients that estimate overall production required to produce a dollar of output. These coefficients (expressed as per dollar of output delivered to final demand) reflect (a) the initial final demand for the output of a given industry or commodity, and (b) both direct and indirect requirements resulting from the initial demand. (BEA)

System of National Accounts (SNA)

An international set of guidelines for a system of economic accounts. The SNA organizes information about the flows and stocks that represent an economy within a comprehensive, integrated framework. The 1993 SNA was published by the Inter-Secretariat Working Group for the National Accounts (Commission for the European Communities, International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation […]