Survey of Current Business (SCB)
BEA’s monthly journal. (BEA)
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Joe Demski contributed 347 entries already.
BEA’s monthly journal. (BEA)
System for grouping economic activities using the operating establishment as the basic production unit. The SIC system assigns each establishment an industry code on the basis of its primary activity, which is the establishment\’s principal product or group of products produced or distributed or services rendered. Beginning with the 1997 benchmark, the SIC was replaced […]
Spending Pattern Events are most appropriate to use when an analyst has the data required to build a customized spending pattern which reflects specific purchases by an industry or when the ratios in an industry’s output equation must be modified to a degree beyond that which is achievable by simply customizing an Industry Event. Spending […]
Industries/commodities that are provided for in the I-O industry classification system but are not included in the SIC or NAICS. In the 1997 benchmark accounts, they consisted of both industries and commodities for the inventory valuation adjustment and owner-occupied housing and of commodities for non-comparable imports, for scrap, used and secondhand goods, and for the […]
A set of annually derived values for a Study Area that show its non-industry transactions (payments made between households and households, households and governments, etc.).
IMPLAN expands upon the traditional I-O approach to also include transactions between industries and institutions and between institutions themselves, thereby capturing all monetary market transactions in a given time. IMPLAN can thus more accurately be described as a Social Account Matrix (SAM) model, though the terms I-O and SAM are often used interchangeably.
In the national economic accounts, the institutional units that make up the total economy: Business, households and institutions, and general government. In NAICS, one of the 20 major areas of economic activity. The sectors are generally the two-digit NAICS level—though manufacturing, retail, and transportation and warehousing span several two-digit codes. (BEA)
A good or service that is produced by an industry in addition to its primary product. Secondary products are the primary product of another industry. Secondary products in the I-O accounts are termed redefinitions, reclassifications, and other secondary products. (BEA)
A collection of one or more Activities that specify all sales to Final Demand (Direct Effects) for a given impact.
Gross saving is gross disposable income less final consumption expenditure. (SNA)
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