Entries by Joe Demski

Sales taxes

Taxes that are generally levied by state and local governments as a percentage of the commodity’s price. General sales taxes are typically shown separately on sales receipts and are typically levied as a standard percentage of the commodity’s price. They include sales taxes collected by retail establishments, by wholesalers, and by service establishments. Selective sales […]

Retail margin

The markup to the price of a product when a product is sold through a retail trade activity. It is calculated as sales receipts less the cost of goods sold. Sales and excise taxes collected by the retailer are generally shown as a part of the retail margin. (BEA)

Rest of World Adjustment

The rest-of-the-world adjustment to final uses consists of values for exports and imports that have offsetting adjustments to personal consumption expenditures (PCE) and government. This adjustment is required in order to conform the commodity treatment of the I-O use table to the expenditure concepts used for final uses in the NIPAs. This is accomplished by […]

Regional Purchase Coefficient

A Regional Purchase Coefficient (RPC) is the proportion of the total demand for a commodity by all users in the Study Area that is supplied by producers located within the Study Area. For example, if the RPC for the commodity fish is 0.8, then 80% of the demand by local fish processors, fish wholesalers, and […]


Redefinitions, one of the three methods for handling secondary products, are made as part of the preparation of the supplementary I-O make and use tables. Redefinitions are made when an industry’s production of a secondary product requires very different inputs than those for the production of its primary product. In such a case, the economic […]


Reclassifications, one of the three I-O methods for handling secondary products, are made as part of the preparation of the standard I-O make and use tables. Reclassifications are made when BEA decides that a product that the Census Bureau has designated as a primary product should instead be treated for I-O purposes as a secondary […]