Entries by Joe Demski

Primary product

The principal good or service of an industry. In the SIC or NAICS systems and the I-O industry classification system, an establishment is assigned to a specific industry based on its primary product. (BEA)   The principal good or service of an industry. In the SIC or NAICS systems and the I-O industry classification system, […]

Primary inputs

Capital and labor inputs to production. Value added consists of the costs—such as compensation, profits, and depreciation—that are related to these inputs. When the total requirements tables are calculated, there are no further impacts associated with the primary inputs. (BEA)    

PES bridge table

Table that identifies the I-O commodity composition of each category of private equipment and software in the NIPAs. It shows the value of the transactions in producers— and purchasers— prices and the associated transportation costs and margins. (BEA)    

Personal Taxes

Personal Taxes include Income Tax (net of refunds), Property Tax, Motor Vehicle License, Non-Taxes, and Other Taxes. Income Tax is paid not only on wages, but also on rental income, dividend income, interest income, and capital gains. Contributions for government social insurance are not included. The effective personal income tax rate in IMPLAN is a […]

Own-account construction

(Previously force account construction). Own-account new construction refers to construction activities performed by businesses, governments, or persons for themselves rather than by purchasing from construction businesses. Beginning with the 1997 benchmark I-O accounts, own-account new construction is treated as being produced by the industries in which the construction occurs and then “purchased” in final uses […]

Output multipliers

Derived from the I-O total requirements tables, the output multipliers show the amount of output required to satisfy a given level of final-use expenditures. For the commodity-by-commodity total requirements table, it is the production required both directly and indirectly of the commodity at the beginning of each row per dollar of delivery to final use […]


Output represents the value of industry production. In IMPLAN these are annual production estimates for the year of the data set and are in producer prices. For manufacturers this would be sales plus/minus change in inventory. For service sectors production = sales. For Retail and Wholesale trade, Output = gross margin (or Marginal Revenue) and not […]