Entries by Joe Demski


North American Industry Classification System. A system of industrial classification developed and used by the United States, Canada, and Mexico for grouping establishments by similarity of production process. Beginning with the 1997 Economic Census, NAICS has replaced the 1987 SIC as the primary industry classification system used for U.S. economic statistics. NAICS features more detailed […]


Multipliers reflect the ratio of total Effects per Direct Effect within a Region. Multipliers are available and may be constructed for Output, Employment, and every component of Value Added.   Total Effects will vary depending on whether Induced Effects are included, as in the case with Type SAM Multipliers, or are not included, as in the […]

Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO)

Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) analysis makes it possible to track how an impact on any of the 536 IMPLAN sectors in a Study Area region affect the production of all 536 sectors and household spending in any other region in the US (county to county, county to multi-county, county to state, state to state, etc). It […]

Merchant wholesaler

Merchant wholesalers are wholesalers that sell goods on their own account—that is, they buy the goods, usually maintain them in warehouses, and then resell them. Beginning with the 2002 NAICS, merchant wholesalers now include sales offices and sales branches that are maintained by manufacturing, refining, or mining enterprises apart from their plants or mines for […]

Market Share

“Market Share” refers to the portion of the total locally-produced supply of a Commodity that is produced by an individual Industry or Institution in the Study Area. For example, if $100 of Commodity X is produced by three Industries (Industry A, $50; Industry B, $30; Industry C, $20) their respective Market Shares would be 50%, […]

Margin or margin costs

The value of the wholesale and retail trade services provided in delivering commodities from producers’ establishments to purchasers. Margin is calculated as sales receipts less the cost of the goods sold. It consists of the trade margin plus sales taxes and excise taxes that are collected by the trade establishment. (BEA)