Entries by Joe Demski

Make table

Matrix that shows the value in producers’ prices of each commodity produced by each industry. The entries in a row represent the dollar value of commodities produced by the industry at the beginning of the row. The entries in a column represent the dollar value of production by each industry of the commodity at the […]

Local Purchase Percentage (LPP)

The amount (on a scale of 0-1) of the value of impact event (usually “industry sales”) specified by the user that will be applied to the regional multipliers. It implies that 1-LPP will be the proportion of the impact event activity that will be imported from outside the economy and have no impact on the […]

Leontief, Wassily

Wassily Leontief is referred to as the “father” of I-O analysis, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1973. Beginning in the 1930s, he constructed the first I-O tables for the United States, and he also served as a consultant to the Bureau of Labor Statistics when they published the first official U.S. I-O […]

Labor Income Events

Labor Income Events are most appropriate to use when an analyst intends to model a change in labor payments isolated from an industry’s production. When creating a Labor Income Event in IMPLAN, analysts may specify whether the income is earned by wage and salary employees, by sole proprietors, or some combination of the two. However, […]


A job in IMPLAN = the annual average of monthly jobs in that industry (this is the same definition used by the BLS and BEA). Thus, 1 job lasting 12 months = 2 jobs lasting 6 months each = 3 jobs lasting 4 months each. A job can be either full-time or part-time.  Similarly, a […]

Inventory valuation adjustment (IVA)

The difference between the cost of inventory withdrawals as valued at acquisition cost and the cost of withdrawals as valued at replacement cost. The IVA adjusts inventories from the change in book value reported by most businesses to the definition of inventories used in the NIPAs and industry accounts—that is, the change in physical volume […]


Stocks of goods held by the firm over a period of time. In the I-O accounts, inventory includes (1) products purchased for resale, generally held by wholesalers and retailers, (2) materials and supplies for use in the production of goods for sale or in the provision of a service, (3) products that are partly processed […]

Intermediate Expenditures

Purchases of non-durable goods and services such as energy, materials, and purchased services that are used for the production of other goods and services rather than for final consumption. These inputs are sometimes referred to as current-account expenditures. They do not include any capital-account purchases nor do they include the inputs from the primary factors […]