Capital consumption
See “Consumption of fixed capital”. (SNA)
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See “Consumption of fixed capital”. (SNA)
Capital is expenditures made by industries and institutions to obtain capital equipment and construction. The dollar values in the IMPLAN database are expenditures made to a specific industrial sector producing the capital equipment. The values do not represent capital investment by that industrial sector.
Two tables, one for personal consumption expenditures and one for private equipment and software, that show the relationships between categories of expenditures in the I-O accounts and those in the NIPAs. The bridge tables enable analysts to use the commodity-composition relationships shown in the benchmark I-O tables to prepare estimates for non-benchmark years. (BEA)
One of the major elements of the U.S. national and industry economic accounts. They provide detailed statistics on economic processes and relationships, and they provide essential information for other economic accounts. They are used to set the level of GDP in the NIPAs, and they provide commodity detail on the composition of the final-use categories. […]
An alternative presentation of the I-O accounts recommended by the 1993 System of National Accounts. The basic value tables consist of a supply table and a use table. Industry and commodity output are measured in a “basic value”, which excludes commodity taxes and duties but includes subsidies. The supply table is a variation of the […]
Also \”basic value\”. The price received by the producer for goods or services that are sold. It excludes taxes collected by the producer from purchasers, such as taxes that liquor manufacturers collect on behalf of government and sales taxes collected by retailers. In the I-O tables prepared by BEA, basic prices have excluded subsidies and […]
The period that provides the weights for an index is described as the base period. (SNA)
The balance of payments is a statistical statement that systematically summarises, for a specific time period, the economic transactions of an economy with the rest of the world. (SNA)
The interconnection of an industry to other industries from which it purchases its inputs in order to produce its output. It is measured as the proportion of intermediate consumption to the total output of the sector (direct backward linkage) or to the total output multiplier (total backward linkage). An industry has significant backward linkages when […]
Auxiliaries are establishments whose employees are primarily engaged in providing various management or support services to one or more establishments of the same enterprise. Thus, within an enterprise, the auxiliary establishments are distinct from those establishments that are primarily engaged in producing goods and from those that are primarily engaged in providing services for personal […]
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