Trade Flow
Total requirements tables
Total requirements coefficients
Taxes on Production & Imports less Subsidies (TOPI)
Taxes on Production & Imports less Subsidies (TOPI) is one of the four components of Value Added. It includes sales and excise taxes, customs duties, property taxes, motor vehicle licenses, severance taxes, other taxes, and special assessments.
Because TOPI is net of subsidies, it can be negative for a given Industry in a given year if that industry received more subsidies from the government than it paid out in these specific taxes in that year.
I-O models by default treat TOPI as a leakage, meaning that any TOPI generated as part of an analysis will not generate any additional effects.
Note: TOPI does not include all taxes paid by an industry. For example, social insurance taxes are a part of Employee Compensation, and profits taxes are part of Other Property Income.
System of National Accounts (SNA)
Supplements to wages and salaries
Survey of Current Business (SCB)
BEA’s monthly journal. (BEA)
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
Spending Pattern Events
Spending Pattern Events are most appropriate to use when an analyst has the data required to build a customized spending pattern which reflects specific purchases by an industry or when the ratios in an industry’s output equation must be modified to a degree beyond that which is achievable by simply customizing an Industry Event. Spending Patterns include all Intermediate Expenditures for a given Industry.