
RAS technique

Purchasers value or price (Purval)

Price paid by industries and final users for the goods and services they use. Purval is equal to producers value plus trade (wholesale and retail) margins and transportation costs. (BEA)

Proprietor Income

Proprietor Income consists of payments received by self-employed individuals and unincorporated business owners.

This includes current-production income of sole proprietorships, partnerships, and tax-exempt cooperatives. It excludes dividends (payments in cash or other assets, excluding the corporation’s own stock, made by corporations located in the United States and abroad to stockholders who are US residents), monetary interest received by nonfinancial business, and rental income received by persons not primarily engaged in the real estate business.  Includes the capital consumption allowance and is recorded on Federal Tax form 1040C.  (

IMPLAN’s estimated Employee Compensation and Proprietor Income fields represent the average payroll values for all employees that work in a firm, across all Industries that report in the Study Area’s region.

Proportionality principle

Producer value or price (Proval)

Private equipment & software expenditures

Primary suppression

Primary product

Primary inputs

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