Total Revenue

Total Revenue represents the increased income resulting from the total sale of goods and services. IMPLAN defines Total Revenue as Total Purchaser Price of Commodities Sold. 

Selecting Total Revenue will cause the Event Value to be multiplied by the Margins associated with the selected Specification to convert gross sales to margined sales or Marginal Revenue before hitting the IMPLAN multipliers.

Marginal Revenue

Marginal Revenue represents the increased income resulting from the sale of one or more unit of goods and services. IMPLAN defines Marginal Revenue as Total Producer Price of Commodities Sold, where Event Specification is the producer/product.

Selecting Marginal Revenue will not apply Margins, and will cause the full Event Value to hit the multiplier of the selected Specification.

Byproduct Coefficient

The percentage of an industry’s total production value that is made up of a given commodity. Sums to 100% in Industry Balance Sheet.

Regions Overview > Social Accounts > Balance Sheets > Industry Balance Sheet > Commodity Production, then filter by the Sector of interest.

Economic Impact Modeling

Economic flows

Economic Census

Earnings multipliers

Current accounts


Core Region

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