Entries by Joe Demski

IMPLAN Data Components

IMPLAN’s annual datasets provide a complete set of balanced Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) for every zip-code, county, and state in the U.S. These SAMs provide a complete picture of the economy and can be used to generate predictive input-output (I-O) multipliers for estimating economic impacts. Constructing IMPLAN’s annual databases requires gathering data from a large […]


2017 NAICS TO IMPLAN SECTORS Convert BEA’s 2017 NAICS codes to IMPLAN Sectors (536 scheme) using this downloadable spreadsheet. Download 2012 NAICS TO IMPLAN SECTORS Convert BEA’s 2012 NAICS codes to IMPLAN Sectors (536 scheme) using this downloadable spreadsheet. Download DEFINITIONS OF IMPLAN’S CONSTRUCTION SECTORS View the breakdown of IMPLAN’s construction sectors (536 scheme) using […]

IMPLAN to FTE Conversions

IMPLAN JOBS AND FTES: IMPLAN jobs include all full-time, part time, and temporary positions (with the exception of the 1985 database). When Employment is counted this way, one cannot tell from the data the number of hours worked or the proportion that is full or part-time. You may want to convert IMPLAN’s Employment estimates into […]

Occupational Matrices

INTRODUCTION: IMPLAN offers a national Industry by Occupational Matrix based on Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data. This data is available in the form of an Excel spreadsheet file and shows the occupational composition of wage and salary employment by industry, as well as compensation for each occupation. When combined with IMPLAN wage and salary employment […]

Methodology for Development of the 2017 Detailed Production Functions for IMPLAN’s Nine Electrical Power Sectors

There is a growing need to provide more detail behind the generation and sale of electricity in ways that help businesses, analysts, and policy makers understand the change in both the technologies and economics that underpin the consumption of electricity. For that reason, IMPLAN Group, LLC contracted with Skip Laitner of Economic and Human Dimensions […]

BEA Benchmark & The New 546 Sectoring Scheme

INTRODUCTION: IMPLAN’s sectoring schemes is based largely on the US Bureau of Economic Analysis’s (BEA’s) sectoring scheme. Since every five years the BEA updates their input-output accounts, it means that on those years, IMPLAN data sets also undergo important updates as well.  What does this mean for you? A new 546 IMPLAN Sectoring Scheme! Not only […]

Economic Impact Modeling

Economic Impact Modeling is a software, data or even a technique that allows an analyst to trace spending through an economy and measure the cumulative effects of that spending. The need for an EIA is normally triggered by an economic event, catastrophe, change in government policy, justification for funding, or as needed for planning (schools, […]

Economic Census

Provides a detailed portrait of the nation\’s economy once every 5 years, from the national to the local level. The basic statistics collected cover nearly all of the U.S. economy except agriculture and government, which are covered by concurrent economic censuses. Several related programs collect additional statistics, including those on minority- and women-owned businesses. The […]