Entries by Joe Demski

Industry Aggregation

INTRODUCTION: Did you ever wish you could combine two or more IMPLAN Industries together to run an analysis? Ever wanted to model 2 or 3 digit NAICS? Industry Aggregation is the answer. Industry Aggregation allows you to combine Industries together. You can create your own aggregation scheme, for example if you wanted to examine the […]

546 Industries, Conversions, Bridges, & Construction – 2018 Data

The following downloads are for the 2018 data. They are not valid for the 536 Industry Scheme used in datasets from 2013-2017. IMPLAN 546 INDUSTRIES AND COMMODITIES This file contains the full list of IMPLAN’s 546 Industries and Commodities. Download 2017 NAICS TO IMPLAN 546 INDUSTRIES Convert 2017 NAICS codes to IMPLAN Industries using this downloadable spreadsheet. […]

Panel Data

INTRODUCTION: Are you interested in looking at IMPLAN data across years? Our Panel Data might be what you are looking for! It is produced using our latest and best methodologies, which have been improved over the past 20 years of data development. These enhanced features make more accurate statistical analysis possible. Panel Data consists of repeated […]

Shannon-Weaver Diversity Index Data

INTRODUCTION: Economic diversity is believed to enhance economic stability and growth by limiting the number of imports a local economy needs to sustain its current production and by providing increased availability of locally produced final demand purchases. The Shannon–Weaver (S-W) Diversity Index measures economic diversity on the basis of the number of Industries in a […]

Tax Data

INTRODUCTION: For those that wish to dig deeper into Tax Data, IMPLAN has details available at the county and state levels. This data allows you to examine the total taxes collected at by more specificity than in IMPLAN.   PRODUCT DETAILS: The Tax Data captures all tax revenue across all levels of government that exist […]