Entries by Sarah Gross

Consumer durables

Consumer durables are durable goods acquired by households for final consumption (i.e. those that are not used by households as stores of value or by unincorporated enterprises owned by households for purposes of production); they may be used for purposes of consumption repeatedly or continuously over a period of a year or more. (SNA)

Constant prices

Constant prices are obtained by directly factoring changes over time in the values of flows or stocks of goods and services into two components reflecting changes in the prices of the goods and services concerned and changes in their volumes (i.e. changes in “constant price terms”). (SNA)

Consistency principle

One of the three fundamental principles underlying the I-O accounts. Under this principle, the data compiled from one source are comparable with the data compiled from another source. For example, in accordance with this principle, the estimates shown in the I-O accounts should be consistent with the underlying source data and with the estimates shown […]


The inflow of residents from outside the Study Area who are employed by firms in the Study Area (in-commuting), or the outflow of residents in the SA employed by firms outside of it. These values can be viewed in the Social Accounting Matrix as entries in household receipts from exports (net out-commuting), or as labor […]

Commodity-flow method

A technique used to estimate purchases of an item by intermediate or final users when primary data are not available. The method generally begins with an estimate of the total supply of an item available for domestic uses; it then either attributes a fixed percentage of supply to an intermediate or final user, or it […]

Commodity technology assumption

By this assumption, the production of each commodity requires a unique set of inputs no matter which industry produces that commodity. This assumption provides the basis for the redefinition of secondary products in the I-O accounts, whereby the secondary product and its associated inputs are redefined from the industry that produced it to the industry […]