Homogeneous production unit

Capital consumption adjustment (CCAdj)

Private capital consumption allowances less private consumption of fixed capital (defined below). This adjustment is used to convert income and depreciation measures from the historical-cost accounting used by firms when filing their income tax returns to the current replacement cost basis with consistent service lives and empirically based depreciation schedules. (BEA)

Homogeneity principle

Capital consumption

See “Consumption of fixed capital”. (SNA)

Harmonized code

A 10-digit commodity classification system for foreign trade. It was introduced in the United States in January 1989 in order to ensure international comparability in the classification of exports and imports by commodity. There are approximately 19,000 codes for imports and 9,000 codes for exports. (BEA)

Gross operating surplus (GOS)

Gross national product (GNP)

The market value of the goods and services produced by labor and property supplied by U.S. residents. (BEA)

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Gross capital formation

Gross Absorption

The percentage of Output that goes to the purchase of a given Commodity. Total Gross Absorption is percentage of Output that goes to the purchase of all Intermediate Expenditures.