Ancillary corporation

An ancillary corporation is a subsidiary corporation, wholly owned by a parent corporation, whose productive activities are ancillary in nature: that is, they are strictly confined to providing services to the parent corporation, or other ancillary corporations owned by the same parent corporation. (SNA)

GDP by industry

(Previously gross product originating by industry). GDP by industry is the contribution of each private industry and of government to the nation’s output, or GDP. An industry\’s GDP, or its \”value added,\” is equal to its gross output (which consists of sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (which consist of energy, raw materials, semi-finished goods, and services that are purchased from domestic industries or from foreign sources). It can also be measured as the sum of incomes related to production, such as wages and salary accruals and gross operating surplus. (BEA)

Ancillary activity

An ancillary activity is a supporting activity undertaken within an enterprise in order to create the conditions within which the principal or secondary activities can be carried out; ancillary activities generally produce services that are commonly found as inputs into almost any kind of productive activity and the value of an individual ancillary activity’s output is likely to be small compared with the other activities of the enterprise (e.g. cleaning and maintenance of buildings). (SNA)

GDP – income based

GDP – expenditure based

Expenditure-based GDP is total final expenditures at purchasers’ prices (including the f.o.b. value of exports of goods and services), less the f.o.b. value of imports of goods and services. (SNA)

Allocation of primary income account

The allocation of primary income account focuses on resident institutional units or sectors in their capacity as recipients of primary incomes rather than as producers whose activities generate primary incomes; it lists two kinds of income under “resources”: (a) primary incomes already recorded in the generation of income account that are receivable by resident institutional units, and (b) property incomes receivable from the ownership of financial or tangible non-produced assets (mainly land or sub-soil assets). (SNA)

Aggregation Bias

Aggregation bias stems from the loss of detail that occurs when you aggregate a region’s sectors before generating the multipliers. Multipliers are derived from output per worker averages, other value-added ratios, and the production functions of industries. When you aggregate a region’s industries before generating multipliers, it has the effect of taking several individual Industries and combining them to form a totally new Industry. The production function and relationships of the new aggregated Industry becomes the weighted average of the individual production functions, with those industries with the greatest output levels having the greatest influence on the aggregated industry. Therefore, the new Industry’s production function may not truly represent an industry being impacted. This creates aggregation-induced error, or bias. Thus, it is typically recommended to aggregate the impact results rather than the model itself. However, aggregating IMPLAN Sectors in a model can be useful for those who do not have specific Sector detail for their numbers or are working with a standard NAICS aggregation for their input data.

Full-time equivalent (FTE) employment


The combining of detailed subgroups to form a larger group. For example, detailed I-O items are aggregated to I-O commodities, and detailed industries are aggregated to summary industries and sectors for publication. (BEA)

Activity Level

A multiple applied to all Event values within an Activity, which reflects the number of times the Event value is repeated to create the final demand change.