Entries by Joe Demski

Intermediate Inputs

Goods and services that are used in the production process of other goods and services and are not sold in final-demand markets (BEA). Intermediate Inputs consist of purchases of non-durable goods and services such as energy, materials, and purchased services that are used for the production of other goods and services rather than for final […]

Analyzing Capital Investments

INTRODUCTION:  Industries, households and government all make capital purchases. In IMPLAN, Capital simply refers to durable assets and devices that can be thought of as an investment for the purchaser. For Industries, this includes purchases that are used but not consumed in production like Intermediate Expenditures. For households, this includes all purchases that are used but not consumed […]

Industry vs. Commodity Output

INTRODUCTION: Whether you are analyzing a capital investment, an Industry’s bill of goods, results of a visitor survey, or some other collection of spending data the question often arises, should I analyze this purchase as an Industry Output Event or a Commodity Output Event? Should the analysis be framed from the perspective of the product […]

Understanding Labor Income (LI), Employee Compensation (EC), and Proprietor Income (PI)

INTRODUCTION: Labor Income is the sum of Employee Compensation (wages and benefits) and Proprietor Income. Labor Income represents the total value of all forms of employment income paid throughout a defined economy during a specified period of time. It reflects the combined cost of total payroll paid to employees (e.g. wages and salaries, benefits, payroll […]

Loans: Banking on It

INTRODUCTION: As with all Industries in IMPLAN, there are certain considerations to make when examining the complicated world of banking and lending. Generally speaking, to model the operations of a bank, IMPLAN Industry 441 – Monetary authorities and depository credit intermediation would be the correct choice. This Industry includes commercial banks, savings and loans, and […]

Understanding Types of Income

INTRODUCTION: In IMPLAN, there are four types of income that can be identified: Labor Income, household income, disposable income, and household spending.  This article breaks down the differences and how IMPLAN data compares to government estimates.   DEFINING INCOME: First off, let’s define the fours types of income. LABOR INCOME Labor Income is the sum […]

Explaining Event Types

EVENT TYPE DESCRIPTIONS: INDUSTRY EVENTS Industry Events indicate that you know what Industry or Industries are experiencing the change in production and you are interested in targeting those specific Industries.  There are four different types of Industry Events: Industry Output Industry Employment Industry Employee Compensation Industry Proprietor Income These four Industry Event Types represent each […]

Construction: Building the Right Model

INTRODUCTION: There are a few special considerations for modeling construction impacts. Not only are all projects different, they need to be carefully considered in IMPLAN. Construction Industries don’t have a perfect NAICS crosswalk as the other Industries do.  Instead, there is the file Definitions of IMPLAN’s 546 Construction Industries found on our 546 Industries, Conversions, Bridges, […]