Entries by Adam Smith

Explaining the Type SAM Multiplier

Multipliers Technically, a Multiplier is unit-less because it is calculated as follows: Output Multiplier = Total Output / Direct Output GDP Multiplier = Total GDP / Direct GDP Employment Multiplier = Total Employment / Direct Employment This is why the IMPLAN Multiplier reports differentiate between Effects, which are on a per-million-dollar basis (e.g., a Direct Employment effect […]

Understanding the Social Accounts Tables

Generated by the model building process, the Social Account Reports Table and the Balance Sheets Table both contain a wealth of information about the specified study region. Provided below are definitions and descriptions of many of the terms and categories found within the two tables. Social Account Reports Table Commodity Summary Industry Commodity Production = […]

SAM Data Development

The full-detail Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) gives a complete picture of the flow of funds, both market and non-market, throughout the economy in a given year. Market flows occur between the producers of goods and services (both industrial and institutional) and the purchasers of those goods and services, both industrial and institutional (i.e., households, government, investment, and […]

Summary Description of Elements of the IxC Social Accounting Matrix

Industry Column Payments to the commodity row represent the use of locally-produced commodities (both goods and services) by local industries, without any information as to which industries or institutions were involved in the production of said commodities. These commodity purchases come from all industries and institutions that produce that commodity, according to the market share […]

Key Assumptions of IMPLAN & Input-Output Analysis

INTRODUCTION Input-Output (I-O) analysis is a means of examining inter-industry relationships within an economy. It captures all monetary market transactions between industries in a given time period. The resulting mathematical formulae allow for examinations of the effects of a change in one or several economic activities on an entire economy (economic impact analysis). IMPLAN expands upon […]