Entries by Joe Demski

Taxes: Individual Breaks

INTRODUCTION: If you haven’t already, check out the introductory article Taxes: The Basics of the Breaks to give you some general knowledge on tax breaks. Now let’s dive into some common tax breaks that individuals and households see and how to examine these in IMPLAN. LABOR INCOME VS HOUSEHOLD INCOME: There are two choices to […]

Taxes: The Basics of the Breaks

INTRODUCTION: Every analysis in IMPLAN will give you tax results. However, often times analysts wish to to examine the effect of a tax break or tax incentive on their regional economy. Modeling tax changes falls under the category of socio-political impacts; therefore, the spending associated with it needs to be determined by the analyst before […]

Taxes: Where’s the Tax?

INTRODUCTION: As any CPA will tell you, understanding taxes is a big job. Taxes vary by locality, special district, and state. There are also differences by Industry as some businesses are required to pay taxes specific to their work. This article outlines the basics of how taxes work in IMPLAN and what is included in […]

Airports: Preparing for Takeoff

DETAILS: Economic impact analyses of airports are very popular. Venckus and Vaidas (2011) state the main reasons as to prevent an airport closing or relocation, to highlight the ramifications of service additions or cancellations, and to justify spatial expansion. [1] OPERATIONS There are two main IMPLAN Industries associated with airports. The first is Industry 414 […]

Framing: Who is Being Impacted?

INTRODUCTION: The first question to think through when preparing your analysis is who is being impacted. The “who” of an analysis is the entity experiencing the initial change or economic activity you’d like to analyze. Keep in mind, IMPLAN is designed to estimate backward linkages, preparing your analysis determines the starting point. Answering the “who” […]

Picking an Industry

INTRODUCTION: IMPLAN has 546 different Industries to choose from when running your economic impact. But how do you choose which one is right for your study? Here is the guide to everything you need to know about IMPLAN Industries! IMPLAN INDUSTRIES: IMPLAN Industries consist of 546 different codes and names. IMPLAN Industries can be grouped […]