Entries by Adam Smith

Industry Accounts

REPORTS: Institution Industry Demand shows the distribution of each Industry’s production to Institutions, Capital, Inventory, and Exports from Study Area Industries. Household Industry Demand divides the total Household’s consumption, provided in Institution Industry Demand, into the 9 Household income classes. Government Industry Demand expands the government consumption into the three Federal and three State and Local government types. Industry Output/Outlay Summary shows total […]

Social Accounts

INTRODUCTION: The Social Account Reports Table and the Balance Sheets Table both contain a wealth of information about the specified study region. Provided below are definitions and descriptions of many of the terms and categories found within the tables.   REPORTS: Commodity Summary Industry Commodity Production = the total output of this commodity that is produced […]

Tax Impact Report FAQ

1. Why am I seeing negative taxes? We have an entire article dedicated to this entitled The Curious Case of the Negative Tax: Agriculture Subsidies, Profit Losses, and Government Assistance Programs. 2. Does IMPLAN capture Transfer Taxes, and where are those taxes represented? IMPLAN does capture Transfer Taxes. They are reported as Taxes on Production & Imports […]

Income FAQ

1. Why is the Average Household Income in my Model Overview so High? In IMPLAN, we base household income on the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)’s “Personal Income” numbers controlled to current BEA National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) for the nation. In contrast, per capita household income reported by the Bureau of the Census […]

Employment FAQ

 1. How is IMPLAN Employment defined?  Employment data in IMPLAN follows the same definition as Bureau of Economic Analysis Regional Economic Accounts (BEA REA) and Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Employment and Wages (BLS CEW) data, which is full-time/part-time annual average. Thus, 1 job lasting 12 months = 2 jobs lasting 6 months each […]

Electricity Generation + Distribution FAQ

We get a lot of questions on how the electricity generation and distribution data is handled in IMPLAN.  The following outlines the steps. First, generation by sector is gathered in Megawatt-hours (MWH) from the US Energy Information Administration These are in MWH, not dollar values http://www.eia.gov/electricity/data.cfm#generation Next, we obtain total revenue for all electricity from […]

Data FAQ

1. How often do I need to update my data? In general, we leave this up to you. The multipliers are based on the structure of the economy of the year of the data. If you determine that the data year you have is an accurate representation of the current economy, then there is no […]

Construction FAQ

What Value Is Entered for Industry Sales of a Construction Impact? For the new construction sectors, output is the total value of the structures being built within the region, but does not include items that are not integral to the structure itself. So the Industry Sales value includes the total construction budget (payroll + non-payroll) plus […]


1. How does IMPLAN CEW differ from BLS CEW data? Fully disclosed annual employment and income data is available at the U.S., state, and county level based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Covered Employment and Wages (CEW) series formerly known as ES202. State employment services departments, as part of the Unemployment Insurance Program, collect […]