Entries by Joe Demski

What can an LQ do for you?

INTRODUCTION Location Quotients (LQ) compare the relative concentration in a specific area to the concentration in the U.S. They are mainly used for descriptive and comparative purposes for analyzing Industrial or Employment concentration. The technique compares one economy to a larger, reference economy. LQs identify specializations or weaknesses in the reference economy.   DETAILS There are […]

Occupation Data

INTRODUCTION The Occupation Data header contains information about all of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) data in your Region. The SOC categorizes jobs into one of 823 detailed occupations which contains 459 broad groups, 96 minor groups, and 23 major groups. This article outlines descriptions of the terms and categories found within the tables.  Occupation Data only […]

Using Occupation Data in IMPLAN

INTRODUCTION IMPLAN has added its occupation employment by industry data to the IMPLAN application. This dataset shows estimates of occupation employment, wages, hours, and core competencies which include knowledge, skills, abilities, education, work experience, and on-the-job training levels for each of 823 different occupations. Occupation data is available for all models, including models of combined […]

Institutional Spending Pattern Events

INTRODUCTION Institutional Spending Patterns, like all Spending Patterns, are made up of a list of Commodities, although Institutional Spending Patterns include government payroll Commodities to capture spending on Labor. Because Institutions are Final Demanders, in the case of Institutional Spending Patterns, each Commodity in the Spending Pattern is treated like a Commodity Output Event and […]

Industry Contribution Events

INTRODUCTION Industry Contribution Analysis (ICA) is a method used to estimate the value of an Industry or group of Industries in a Region, at their current levels of production. While the focus of the analysis still looks at backward linkages, the purpose of this analysis differs from the standard economic impact analysis. ICA shows the […]

Industry Spending Pattern Events

INTRODUCTION Industry Spending Patterns include all Intermediate Inputs for a given Industry. Industry Spending Pattern Events are most appropriate to use when an analyst has the data required to build a customized Spending Pattern which reflects specific purchases by an Industry or when the ratios in an Industry’s Leontief Production Function must be modified to […]