Entries by Joe Demski

Did You Know?

INTRODUCTION: IMPLAN Economists have received a lot of questions over the years. We have compiled a considerable repertoire of best practices and helpful tips from the trenches. This article outlines the most popular extras we want to share with you.    FILTERS: When in doubt, FILTER. When exploring Sector/Commodity specific data in the Region Details Behind […]

Construction: Building the Right Model

INTRODUCTION: There are a few special considerations for modeling construction impacts. Not only are all projects different, they need to be carefully considered in IMPLAN. Construction Sectors don’t have a perfect NAICS crosswalk as the other Industries do.  Instead, there is the file Definitions of IMPLAN’s 546 Construction Sectors found on our 546 Sector Industries, Conversions, […]

European Union Data

INTRODUCTION: Guten Tag! You may not know this, but IMPLAN is working on other projects besides the beloved economic impact software for the US. In fact, IMPLAN economists have been researching European Union (EU) data behind the scenes. Just as IMPLAN was a pioneer in I-O modeling in the US, we are doing the same […]

How Commuter Employee Compensation is Estimated

INTRODUCTION: While payroll taxes are paid in the county of employment, personal income taxes on that same income are paid in the county of residence, and these two places differ for commuters. Additionally, household demand is generated at the location of the household (that is, at the employee’s place of residence). Therefore, a proper measure of […]

Dollar Year

Dollar Year is the year represented by the values in your Event.  This is usually (but not always) the same as the year in which your event occurred or is expected to occur.  On the Impacts screen, Dollar Year should be the year of the data you are inputting.  On the Results screen, Dollar Year […]